I have many bloggers as friends on Facebook. Some of them I've never seen before and some others I hardly know. And every now and then I used to receive invitations to weird Facebook applications and, sometimes I forward the good ones to my "so called" friends. But one day I received the following message from one of those bloggers after sending him an invitation.
Sorry I had to remove you as a friend because you have spammed me with an application invitation.To tell you the truth, I considered his message really rude, but since I hardly know him, I didn't care much. But you know, after logging to my Facebook account today and seeing bzillions of invitations to useless applications there, I realized that what he did was reasonable.
In fact, I've noticed that I don't login to Facebook frequently, as I used to do before. And the main reason is those continuous messages I receive everyday asking me to join a certain group or to donate my kidney to a poor child in Honduras. I also receive invitations to applications in order to find out my favourite colour and other to help people searching for needles in haystack and fighting zombies in football arenas. I am sure Facebook is going to die if they didn't get rid of this Spammy environment.
Update - 28 October 2008,
Ok, people behind facebook were smart enough and they have succeeded in lowering the applications signal to noise level. The filters, notifications categories, and the Facebook's new design which is ugly, but helped in putting the applications noise aside. One more thing I think they have to work on, is to prevent people from sending mass messages easily, especially events admins. Sometimes I receive an invitation to a certain event, and even before accepting the invitation, the event admins start spamming my inbox with their nonsense.
So finally, I can say that Facebook is not dying anymore.
First Mabrook ,It is not late because I have been here before , second , well I have question how many hours do these people who install these applications spend on facebook ??
seriously already I feel that Facebook is spoiled by these useless applications!!
By the way I got an invitation if you want for Yahoo! Mash , Yahoo! project to kill Facebook , actually it is more like Myspace meets with Facebook
Thanks Zeinobia
I totally agree with you and I think facebook admins should realize that before anyone and change the sequence when you add any application because it's not reasonable to invite your friends to use the apllication before you even add it and try it
I have another concern about the face book really,its groth rate is extremly hight and the amount of information exchange throught it is terrible and people expose their personal infrormation and photos without any caution,I know there is a privacy control you make on your profile but what about the security level of the face book itself...I really don't know but I advice me friends not to trust the site very much and expose as leat as possible from theri information even with the privacy control
You know I expect Facebook to pass in four stages.
Exploration: This is when Facebook was first introduced to us. People wanted to know what is this application that everyone is talking about
Amusement: People then were happy to find old friends, and may be find dates
Boredom: I am now in this stage. I am bored of those applications spam and the mass messages.
Incident: An incident where someone's personal data will be stolen, or one of those applications will be used to spread malwares or so. And this will be the first nail in Facebook's coffin.
Sorry , I disagree with I guess that facebook is going to be a stroke webpage and will attract more and more people every day as it is a modern version of the cyber that contains all the facilities that connect all the people together I know that may seem strange but you only mentioned the negative didn’t refer much to the greet add on of the site people love it I guess they are going to do so after many many coming years
I agree with you about how annoying a lot of the applications are, but not with the overall usefulness of the site.
The problem is that people don't understand it and don't realize that you don't have to send invites to everyone in your contacts list every time you use an application or add it. Every application has an option to skip that step.
I use facebook regularly for several reasons, on being that some of my friends have started to use it instead of email. And of course, it is nice to be in contact with friends I haven't seen in years.
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